Friday, January 14, 2011

Moments In Time

Today is the first Friday that I have been able to be home on my day off. Usually there seems to be something that must be done.

I woke up this morning to M getting ready for work and Little Miss thumping down the hallway to our bedroom. I don't know if M was to loud or if Little Miss just being Little Miss and decided today would be that day that she would get up at 4:30 AM. Either way she ended up in our bed. M headed out the door and Little Miss continued to talk, and talk. Finally falling back asleep at 6 AM when it was time for me to get up to get Princess going for school. I woke up doing my normal routine of getting Princesses lunch box around and packing her back pack. I got her up and in the tub to play some while I picked up the house. I got her dressed and ready finally finishing up getting her some breakfast. All the while Little Miss was still asleep in my bed down the hallway. Princess and I talked about what she would be doing in school today and what would be happening during her day. I got her dressed to wait for the bus. We waited and waited because it was her first day back after this huge snow storm that we the other day creating the city to be in disarray for a couple of days and school being out for two. The bus finally arrived 10 minutes late, but not to bad if I say so myself. I came inside to Little Miss waking up and coming down the hall only to proceed to call for Princess. It was rather a sad site. She called and called only for me to tell her that she was on the bus going to school. She had the saddest little face with the quivering lip and all. She wanted Princess to stay home and play with her. I felt so bad….These are the moments in time that I wish I could just stop time.

Time just doesn't seem to stay still long enough. Each day I seem to wish the day would go quicker. Especially the days when I have to go to work. From the moment I get up in the morning and get ready I am already wishing that the day would be over. It's not that I don't like my job, but I find myself longing for a job that I feel so passionately about. I hope in the near future something will head my way for me to do it. But for now, I am going to try and take each day as it comes and enjoy it. Like they say take a lemon and turn it into lemonade. I feel like my kids are growing up way to quickly and I so much wish I would and could have more time to enjoy the little things that are going on. So today while Princess is at school, that is exactly what I am doing, enjoying my time home ALONE with Little Miss. She is loving all this attention, and I am loving this moment in time with her!

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