Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Thank*giving is tomorrow, and I can't seem to understand how the time this year has slipped away so quickly. It doesn't even seem possible that we even went through a summer yet. You can surely tell at my house that it is now fall. Remember all those leaves that we raked up about 2 or so weeks ago? Let's just say that our yard doesn't even look like we even raked. M will have to go out there when the weather is looking brighter since it has been raining and drizzly for the past couple of days. This time should be it though. All the leaves are finally gone that are located in other peoples yards. Anyways, what I really wanted to talk about today was Thank*giving. Thanks*giving is one of my most favorite holidays, besides Chris*tmas of course. It is a time that we get together with my parents, and family. As we sit down and eat together at the family table, it's so nice to relax and talk. We talk about what has been going on, what we hope will go on, and such. We don't get together as much as I would like, but the time that we do spend together is so nice. This year is going to be interesting because Princesses god father was married as I think I stated previously. He usually makes our day very special because all we do is laugh. This year I am not even sure he is going to be coming over. I think he is going with his new wife over her families house. I sure am going to miss him being there this year. But what I am most thankful for is my wife, and kids. They are the most precious gifts that I could have ever asked for. My wife is so supportive of me and my decisions, and is the best momma you could have asked for to parent my kids with. And my kids, I just adore them. They are my everything. Even when there is fighting between them on a daily occurrence, I still wouldn't have it any other way. So, this year, I will enjoy my family while having great food. And after relax with them. Being together this year is the most important thing to me. I hope you all have a great holiday!

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Didn't I mention in the last post that we had cleaned up the whole yard this past weekend? And didn't I say how beautiful it looked all clean and free of leaves? Well guess what, I went out the very next morning to piles of leaves. It didn't even look like we raked and did two truck loads full. I am rather disappointed. I don't know when M should attempt to pick up the rest. It seems like the leaves on the tree that is in my neighbors yard is just not shedding the leaves at all. So it might be a while before she can do it.

Other news, I didn't mention on here Little Misses weight and height from her appointment. She weighed in at 29 1/2 lbs and 34 1/2 inches. Princess wasn't 28 lbs until she was 3 and Little Miss is an 1 1/2 tall at this point than Princess. What can I say, the girl likes her food. We decided to get the H.1.N.1 vaccination for both girls while there. They did great with it, but wouldn't you know that on Wednesday Little Miss had a 102.6 temperature. M stayed home with her for the following 3 days and both girls were placed on Tami*flu. Little Miss finally broke her fever on Friday. I would guess she picked it up at the doctors office since they don't have a well room and sick room. There was 10 children waiting in the waiting room that morning and we had to wait 45 minutes to be seen. I just don't understand doctors sometimes. Why wouldn't they schedule well visits first say from 8-12 and sick visits from 12 on. It would make more sense than exposing those healthy kids to it. The doctor did the swab and it did come back as the Swin*e Flu. Thank god she got over it quick. And thank god Princess never got it since she has bad asthma. Speaking of asthma, we are going to Boston this coming up Friday to see a pulmonologist about the asthma. I am hoping to have some light shed about what we can do to help her. She starts wheezing sometimes which leads to coughing. Coughing so uncontrollable that it keeps the house up at night. I will be sure to let everyone know how it goes. Well, I must get going. I should be working but you know how that goes.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Fall Time

Fall is here in full swing. I only really know that because when I look out the window and see the leaves falling from everyone else house and traveling into my yard I know it is here. I love to look out my window or even travel down the road and see the leaves turning, but I certainly don't like to pick them up. It's just to much work for me...not really but I feel like that. Today was the day that we needed to get going. The leaves continue to fall, and when I looked out and saw the sun shining and that the weather wasn't all that bad we took the plunge and went out there to rake, and blow the leaves. We were out there for 4 hours and we probably have another 5 to go. We must get this done this weekend because next weekend my cousin S and I are heading to another state for a few days. I won't be able to help M out after that point. So for now we break our backs and sweat like a pig to get it all done. Oh, and the acorn's, where the hell did all the squirrels go this year? They certainly didn't come around our neighborhood....

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Belated Halloween!

We had a great time this year with the girls trick or treating. We went to our local mall, which has become a tradition these past couple of years since Princesses 2nd Halloween. We got the kids ready for around5:30 PM and headed out. We arrived at the mall at 6 PM just in time for the stores to start handing out the candy. We did both floors and after a bucket full a piece we had to make a couple more stops. First to Grammie J's house, then to my parents house. We didn't end up getting back home until 9:30 PM. Needless to say, I am exhausted today. M's father and wife came down today to visit with us for M's and Little Misses birthday. We had a nice time together and went out to brunch. Now I am back home doing laundry and relaxing. It's a beautiful day outside and seeing the leaves falling with the wind blowing makes me want to curl up in bed and sleep.