Saturday, April 2, 2011

On the Mend...

I guess that I can say that, at least for the moment. Things here are going well, or as well as can be is how I should phrase it. For the last few weeks its been rather crazy. Princess got some type of virus that consisted of vomiting and loads of diarrhea. It last over a week with her ending up in the hospital for an overnight visit with and IV placed for dehydration. She was such a trooper through the whole thing. We had minimal crying and we got to spend some time together alone at the hospital which was nice. Then she went back to school for a couple of days and her asth*ma started to really act up. Nebulizing didn't even cut it, so we ended up at the Specialist office to come up with a new plan. Lots of medications that must be given to her twice daily and her not really enjoying it. I am hoping that we are all on the mend, because if not I just might loose my mind.

As far as Little Miss, she is actually doing fantastic. She is such a smart witty little girl. She loves to sing, dance, plays very nicely by herself, and is doing great at Pre-School. We decided to sign her up next year for another day at her Pre-School. So she will now be attending it 3 times a week. I love this since one of the days it seems that is when they do the most fun things, such as make play dough, bake cookies, and make a lot of home made items. I am looking forward to it, since one of the days I am actually going to get some free time to myself after I get both of them off to school. It's going to feel like heaven for a few hours. I haven't gotten that much free time in a long while. I figure that day I can get my errands done while they are both in school.

M is busy as ever, and work for her is crazy…..we talk about it on a daily basis of moving closer to our places of employment. I don't see that happening any time soon, but maybe in a few years we will re-evaluate the situation. For right now, it just doesn't seem like the right choice. For one, Little Miss would need to go in full day care for the time being until she could go into kindergarten and that won't be for another 2 years. And Princess would have to go into before and after school day care and that would cost us more that a mint. Although with these gas prices you have to wonder. Another whole subject to talk about for another day.

We are also in the works for a trip that we are going on in 2 weeks. I am so looking forward to it. This has been a trip in the works for any months and even though it's for a short time the place that we are going is much warmer than here and the people that I am going to see are super special. I will update on the trip when we get back. Hope everyone is doing well and I will update really soon!