Sunday, November 28, 2010


Tonight I am exhausted. We got up this morning and looked outside, realizing that today we MUST clean up all these leaves. See the only problem is, not one of those leaves are ours. Wait, forgive me, we have one little maple tree that we planted in our front yard two years ago (sugar banjo as my kids call him) that has a total of maybe 40 leaves or so. Other than that we have no trees in our yard that shed. We have a beautiful cedar tree in our back yard, along with some other smaller trees, but none of them shed their leaves. Unfortunately we have neighbors on every side, and angle that have trees, many trees. Some of our neighbors are nice and actually clean their yards, while one neighbor on the right side of me NEVER cleans their yard. Hence we always get their leaves. This is the second year that they have not even attempted to come out and help us rake. I must first admit that they are older, but they have a son who is about 24 years old (young) that is able to help us, but seems to not acknowledge that we are even out there busting our hump. Also mind you that this troubled young man doesn't work, but rather sponges off his parents. One who is disabled and one that works for minimum wage at a local sweat shop as I call it. I feel bad for even bitching, but I am tired of it. This kid is nothing but a loser and deals drugs and is a druggie himself. I just so tired of it. M told me not to even complain to the parents because it isn't worth it, but it still can drive me crazy. I have to say that I love the way the yard looks though when it is all clean. We did some organizing of the things in our shed and cleaned our enclosed porch. I feel like I just got so much accomplished today.

A side note and off topic. I am very excited about tomorrow. Our (hopefully) Home Midwife is coming to meet us tomorrow. I have been looking into having a home birth for our last child. She knows that we aren't pregnant yet, but we would still like to meet her and get the details of her services. It should be a fun time. I will update you tomorrow night after her meeting. Wish us luck!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Last Pill

So tonight marks the last night of me taking Pro*vera to jump start my cycle. I just wonder if it is really going to do anything. I also wanted to comment that I in fact went to the Endocrinologist last week whom also thought that I DO have PC*OS. He did a quick finger stick to check my glucose along with something else, and that came back fine. He then sent me for some lab work to see what my blood work was showing. I haven't heard anything yet, but he did start me on the Metformin 500mg twice daily. I have to say I haven't felt any different besides my poor behind. It has given me tremendous issues. I don't really need to loss weight since I have lost all my baby weight and then some, but I'm sure that I will loose some with the amount of fluids that are coming out. SIGH...I have no other choice though. This must be correct before becoming pregnant again.

What else, I seem to be dragging my feet today to get things done. My house is completely cleaned along with all our laundry done and put away, but the yard needs to be racked. M just went to the store and I am waiting for her to come back and then she is going to do outside and do some work on our wall that she did last year. See, people around here can't drive and although we have put up poles so that BEFORE they would hit the wall they would hit the pole, they have yet to hit that damn pole and have managed to hit that wall on oh I say about 5 occasions. We are getting sick of it for sure, but it needs to be fixed. So the plan is to let the girls go outside bundled up to play while she works out there and then I am going to go grocery shopping. Oh how fun, I know you all find that to be a great day out! Then I figure when I get back I will go outside and try and rack some. I could use the exercise some and I love the way the yard looks when it is complete. I will take before and after pictures of it. For now, I'll get in the shower and get ready to leave. Hopefully M will be home soon so that things get done.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Today is a relaxing day, or so I think. M and I went Christmas shopping last night and got a few things. I feel like we at least have made some progress with our projects. We first went on Wednesday and completed their passports. Then with doing some of shopping is making me feel good. I had my parents watch the girls last night while we went shopping and unfortunately Princess is now sick. My parents have two dogs and I don't know if I have stated here or not, but Princess is extremely allergic to many things, dogs, cats, feathers, and dust mites. She is on two inhalers, Zy*rtec once daily, a nasal spray once daily, and for added measure has to use Cortisone for Ex*zema that she has that flares up about every 2 weeks on the creases of her arms and back of her legs. So of course being around the dogs last night didn't help at all. This morning she woke up with a bad cough, having a difficult time breathing and has also developed a low grade fever of 99.8. So while M took Little Miss out today to go to the mall, Princess and I hung out and watched the Bee Movie. It has been a very low key day and I am grateful for it. My house is decorated for Christmas, the laundry is all complete, the dog is bathed, and we are all dressed in our PJ's. It couldn't be a better day!

Monday, November 8, 2010


It's so weird, I am nesting big time. The only thing is I'm not pregnant! We decided to really get down and dirty and clean this house. It started on Saturday with steam cleaning the carpets in the girls room and completing it in the living room last night. Yesterday we set up the Christmas tree and decorated for the holiday season (even though it's not even Thanksgiving). I got down on my hands and knees and cleaned my hardwood floors in the dining room as well. I was up until 11 PM last night and after coming home from work today I started on our last room, my bedroom. I have a little more to go before washing the carpets in there too. Then my house will be complete for the Midwife to come here on the 29th to visit for the first time.

So now that we had our appointment, I will discuss it some here. M and I thought that having the two girls would make our family complete. Over time though she really got thinking that she really wants another baby for our family. We did a little research and came across vials of our donor. We had discussed our options and what we wanted to do for our last child. It was decided that M really wanted to have a biological child but of course she has no desire to carry. We made an appointment with our RE to discuss the process and what we are looking at for each of us, cost, and time line. It went very well, and we will be underway with our "maybe baby" in a little bit. First I will be doing another journey before this. From there we will each sync our cycles while M gets to shoot up with medication to produce multiple eggs. From there they will be placed into my womb which will hopefully be the home for 9 months to our last bundle of joy! A nice healthy singleton pregnancy :)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Little Miss!

I haven't had the opportunity to sit down and write up a post, but today I brought my computer to work and without the boss being here, this are allll gooodddd!

Little Miss,
3 years has gone by, and Momma with the spikes and I can't even being to believe that you are now 3. You are not a baby anymore, and any time that I refer to you as my baby you quickly respond with, "I'm a big girl!" You are though, and as much as I don't want to admit it, it's true. Some things that you have achieved:

~You are potty trained now and have been for about 3 months now. You started right after your sister's birthday. You did it all on your own without us pushing it. You are very proud of yourself when you go too. You make sure that you let us know each time you go.

~You are almost potty trained through the night as well. We definitely didn't expect that at all. For the last week you have woken up dry even though we still put a diaper on you at night.

~You talk up a storm. Your vocabulary is very good now.

~You get along nicely with all kids. You love to play outside at Grammie J's house or in our yard with the chalk with your sister.

~You love school. This past week you were sick, so we didn't send you. By Sunday you were asking when you were going back. So cute if I say so myself.

~You love Spider*Man, tractors, and anything that a boy would like. You even dressed up as Spider*Man this year for Halloween.

Momma and I are just so proud of you! Know that you are loved each and every day and that you have brought unbelievable joy into our lives!