Friday, October 30, 2009

24 Month Newsletter

Little Miss,

Another year has gone by. So much has changed in this last year, that I can hardly believe it. You started out last year with having an evaluation with Early Intervention and was only at an 8-10 month level at the time of the evaluation. You have now mastered it and no longer need it. I was amazed when they came back to see all that you knew and told me you were at a 26 month level. It just brought a smile to my face. You speech has improved beyond what I have ever thought, you have become such a little parrot. You try your best to do everything that your bigger sister does. From doing somersaults to dancing up a storm you are there in all the action. You love tools, tools of any kind. For your birthday, Momma and I got you a Home Dep*ot tool bench. You have played it non stop and know exactly which tool is for what. We soon will be in full swing with potty training. I am determined that you WILL be potty trained by the time you are 2 1/2. You will begin Pre-school and dance school next September so long as that occurs. You have been a delight to have in this household, and have truly made our hearts, and home complete. Every time I look at you especially when you are sleeping I just smile. Smile because I can't believe that you are ours, and because I know how much more we have to look forward to with you.
You have your 2 year check up tomorrow morning at the bright early time of 9:15 AM. I am very interested in seeing how much you weigh. You eat basically anything within reason unless it is mushy. You have a big texture thing and won't eat anything like mashed potatoes and such. You will be receiving your first H1N1 vaccination tomorrow along with your regular flu shot. I am really hoping that you will feel okay, because we can't forget tomorrow is Halloween. I will update tomorrow with your stats.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Today I am tired beyond anything. I have been working late two days a week to make up some time when I am away in 2 weeks. Yesterday I came into work at 10:30 AM after a doctors appointment and stayed until 7:30 PM, getting home at nearly 8. I got up this morning at 6 AM to get myself ready and Princess ready for school. I headed out the door and arrived at work at 8 AM, and due to leave work in about 15 minutes. When I got to work this morning I said to my boss whom I am very close with that I should just get an air mattress for these long days. I couldn't even begin to imagine doing this on a regular basis. I am already counting down the days until I leave for a week. I am really looking forward to it and could use some sticky wishes!

What else, oh Little Misses and M's birthday is approaching fast. M is taking off Friday from work to spend the day with us. It should be a fun time since she hasn't taken 1 day off yet as of this school year. She still has to work 4 hours that day but still it's almost a day off. We are going to go out for lunch with the girls and then I might take Little Miss for her 2 year pictures to be taken. Soon to come Little Misses 24 month update. Be on the look out. For now I am going to go get everything ready so that when the clock strikes 3 I am out of here like a lightening bolt!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Another Day

Today was a productive day. Although it was misting outside for most of the day we really seemed to make some progress. M has been looking on Craigs*list for a new swing set for the girls, and came across a Crea*tive Play*set which retails for over 2200.00 new for 600.00 in a near by town about an hour away. She emailed back and forth with the owner to see if he would take 500.00 in cash. Low and behold he said yes, and she made arrangements to come there today and pick it up with my lovely dad. My mom came and picked up Princess at 1o AM so that they could spend the day together. She needed to go to her work to get her flu shot and then she decided to take Princess to the mall. Grammie J (M's mom) decided to take Little Miss so that I could also go look at the swing set to make sure it was something that I liked as well. We took Little Miss to grammies and headed over my parents house to help my father hook up the trailer to his truck. We headed out at noon and arrive a little after 1 PM. Of course the set was still together so that we could look at it, and after some talking the guy and his family is moving to California and we decided to offer them 450.00 and he took it. We got this amazing swing set for a whopping 450.00 dollars and just for comparison it has a 10 foot slide, a fireman's pole, room for 5 swings, a cargo net to climb, and a sandbox area underneath. The man helped us take it apart, and we all loaded it onto the trailer. It was HEAVY! I probably will wake up sore tomorrow and wonder why, but for sure it was lifting about 200lbs. (I might be fibbing a little but it was super heavy and only came apart in 2 sections) We headed home lugged it off of the trailer at Grammie J's house. Little Miss was taking her nap so we decided to leave her there and we would pick her back up later. We got to my parents house and my mom was already home with Princess. We asked her if she wanted to go with us to get some errands done like get pull-ups and juice for them and she didn't want to leave my parents. It was our time to go out and get this stuff done. We headed out got our errands done and picked up the girls, headed home and at the time of 8:15 PM both girls are in bed. It was definitely a complete day. Tomorrow we must go out and get the rest of Little Misses birthday party stuff. It's coming up fast and I want to get everything completed this weekend. Wish us luck!

Friday, October 16, 2009


So, at the beginning of this week, I wrote an email to family and friends welcoming them to my new and improved blog. As you know I just turned 28 in September, and although I enjoy the computer very much, I am not much of a person to do the whole face*book, tw*itter, Farm*ville thing. I just don't have the patience for it, and even though it sounds tempting at times especially when I am sitting at the dance school waiting for Princess in class hearing all the mothers chit chat about the whole Farm*ville thing. I totally feel out of the loop. I just sit there listening contently wondering what I might be missing, but there still isn't a high hope that I will be joining it. I find just enough time these days to blog, check out my usual chat boards, maybe check out face*book and post a daily status, but I sure in hell don't have the time to sit and plant crops, adopt pink cows to get strawberry milk, and such. I really start to feel old when I don't have much in common with these parents, especially when I am probably the youngest parent there. I just find that my time these days is cramped with work, doctors appointments for either myself or the kids, or taking my dear grandmother to Boston for her doctors appointments. I just don't have time for these things. I have been thinking though, that to try and have some fun, the dance studio is offering a 5 week Z.U.M.B.A class that is once a week on Wednesdays from 7-8 PM for 30 dollars. I think I might just take the class. I figure the least that will happen is I will get in a little shape, make some new friends, and have a little ME time. I haven't really talked much with M about it, and I will have to make arrangements with the girls since that is one of her late nights at work, but I think I might be able to do a little convincing with my parents to watch the girls for an hour while I go. We shall see. Anyways, the point of this message was that I invited people to come and see my family. Share in the joys and not so joyous times with my family. I hope that they all have taken a look at this blog. If you have please, please leave a comment letting me know.

Well, I must get the girls ready for bed. It's been a long day taking my grandmother to Boston to have her knee looked at again. She had a total knee replacement in July. I hope to update again sometime this weekend. I will leave you with a few tidbits:

1. M's birthday is the same day as Little Misses. She is turning 30 this year and doesn't want anyone to really know. I might have a cake for her when we have Little Misses birthday party.

2. M got her CDL license and now can drive a big yellow school bus along with those Charter Buses.

3. My hair is naturally curly, and I really dislike it. Sometimes it isn't so bad, and when I get it cut and styled I really like it, but over time I start wearing it up in either a pony tail or bun. Hence the name "momma with the bun".

4. My kids are my world, and even though it is tough having 2 close in age, I wouldn't change a thing. I know that they fight like cats and dogs, but I also think that they truly will be best friends as they get older.

5. I am real fascinated with Little People, and would love to adopt a little person. I would still think about it, if my house was bigger.

6. I travel over 60 miles a day to get to work. I never thought I would travel that far for a job, but like where I work, so I don't mind doing it daily.

7. M and I have been together going on 13 years this December. It's incredible to think about it. We have our ups and downs like any relationship but at the end of the day we are such a strong couple.

8. I always thought that my kids would listen to me better, little did I know that they disobey me like the plague and practically listen to everything M says.

9. I hope my kids succeed in life. Princess is always telling me that she wants to be a nurse. I really hope so. I think she would make an excellent nurse.

10. Feeling Little Misses soft face makes me melt. She is just so beautiful, and I couldn't imagine life without her. All that we went through to have her was so worth it and then some.....

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Here I Am

I thought that in most postings I don't put a picture of myself up there for everyone to see. I really like this picture of Princess and myself so I decided to show what I look like. I don't know if I have ever really said that I am a little paranoid about posting pictures of my family. When I originally started my first blog, I was the type of blogger that posted ultrasound pictures with my full name on them, used my children's first names, and then I decided to switch to word*press for a change, thought about that it might not be the brightest idea to use our real names and such, but it wasn't until I received a bad comment from someone that I didn't really know nor had I ever had a comment from this person EVER. I became that momma bear that I'm sure everyone becomes and was super nervous at who was actually visiting my blog reading my posts or viewing my children. It took me a lot to continue writing on that blog, and I eventually took it down, or better yet, set it to private and decided not to post on it. I really lost interest, and so didn't my readers. I feel rather bad, because I haven't really told anyone including my previous readers where I went. I will at some point email everyone that was reading it and contributing to my conversation to let them know that I in fact haven't fallen off the face of the earth, but that I needed a change again. I love to document my family's progress and what is going on. If not for everyone else but for myself to look back on. For those people that do read, thanks for checking in with us, and for those that also read and don't comment please do let me know who you are. I love reading other peoples blogs and would be very interested in who you are and if you have a blog let me know what it is. I'll be sure to check in and let you know that I have stopped by.

Friday, October 2, 2009

We'll try again...Pictures

So there you have two most precious girls looking so beautiful!

More Fun Times And Finally Photos!

What can I say, more fun times to be had. Remember me being excited that it only cost us 306.50 for our little car to get fixed? Well, it turns out that the car was far from fixed and we ended up having to break down and take it to the dealership. I have to say that although it cost me an arm, leg, and every torso that I have, it is running the best that it has in quite sometime. We walked out of there 1300.00 dollars poorer (if that is even a word) but you know what? No car payment. That was the best thing about it all.

What else, it starting to get colder here, and I am not looking forward to the snow that I am sure we will get probably before Thanksgiving. The trees are already dropping leaves left and right, and never mind the acorns that keep falling and hitting the roof A.L.L. D.A.Y. L.O.N.G. I hate raking especially when we really don't have any trees in our yard that drops leaves, but for some odd reason everyone elses leaves decide that our yard is the best place to run to. Last year I got the best work out though cleaning up all the leaves, that I was actually proud of myself for not quitting while raking and bending and get the gist. And to boot, I wasn't even all that sore the next morning.

What more, oh Little Misses birthday is just around the corner, and once again I am in total denial. I can't believe that another year has gone by and she is turning 2. She is a little love bug, tells on her big sister when she is doing something wrong, and has a vocabulary like a parrot. She is talking more and more each day. Actually putting a few words together to make a sentence. It's so cute to see her exploring and wanting to do what all the big kids are doing. Even down to getting her finger nails painted. My mom has a thing that when she watches the kids that she does Princesses toe nails and finger nails. Now she is starting to do Little Misses, and do they ever look so cute. She has to make sure she shows everyone and anyone that will look.

Both girls are just growing up way to fast for my liking. When I sit down and think about it, Princess will be going into kindergarden next year. I just want to put my fingers in both my ears and say "la la la", hoping that it really won't happen. But just like everything else, I know it will. Speaking of old, I also had a birthday not to long ago. 28 years has come and gone. G O D damn where has that time gone?!?

Now for what everyone is waiting!

Well, it won't let me so I'll try again later. If you know me check out face book I'll try and post them there.