Sunday, January 10, 2010

January Already

I can't seem to believe that it's already January. It seems just like yesterday we were celebrating Little Misses birthday. So much so that I haven't even taken her for her 2 year pictures. (bad mommy) I have to get to it though, since I have taken Princess since the very beginning. It just wouldn't be fair if I didn't.

Things are going well around here. It's bitterly cold, and there is still to much snow on the ground for my liking. I have always said that I wanted to live in Florida, but after seeing the weather there lately, it sure doesn't look any better. Maybe not having the snow to clean up might be the only plus side at the moment. The girls are doing great, and although we have been battling a cold of some sort for the last month or so we seem to be on the mend. About a week ago it was so bad that I had Grammie J take both girls in to the doctors just to make sure I wasn't neglecting them. (I never do...just a side note) He just said that it was a cold with both of them to use a humidifier, and that the reason why Little Miss was so fussy was that she was cutting her 2 year back molars. I have seen them cutting through for a while, but he thinks that is why she has been fussy. Since seeing him though, we seem to be better. M is doing well and work has been super busy lately for both of us. It is hard to believe that for me since it is winter and most people head down south for the winter, and this is usually our slow season. It's nice though being busy, since it can be very boring all day long sitting doing nothing. For Christmas we got a new living room set. I absolutely love it. It got delivered this Saturday and we had our carpets in the living room professionally cleaned. They came out great and smelt even better. Our living room is coming together finally. We went out today to an art show and got a great painting for our wall. It looks great and fits the wall and decor nicely.

That is about it from our neck of the woods. I hope everyone is doing well, and may this new year bring you all nothing but happiness and good health!