Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Just Sitting and Thinking

For some reason tonight I am sitting in bed getting ready to shut my eyes for the evening but thought I would write some before bed.

Yesterday was a great day. I had a lovely letter sent to me, and all I can say is that I am delighted. Two reasons that I can't really go into here, but are two great things that will be happening in 2011 for my family. I am looking forward to it all.

Also, as I sit and think about everything, I just begin to wonder. M and I have been talking for some time about having a 3rd child. At first a while ago when I came into some more vials of our donor I talked with M about having a 3rd. She wasn't interested at that time. Then over time she was the one that actually brought it up to me. We discussed it all and after some talking she decided that she would really like to have a genetic child even though she doesn't want to carry him/her. I got some vials and stored them for safe keeping still unsure what the future would hold. We went to our RE that we used to conceive both our daughters and talked about the process. Cost wise, I wasn't all that concerned since it is way less for what we paid to have both our daughters. But I still sit and wonder, how will we do it? Will we be able to provide each child what they will want? Not so much what they need, but what they want? See we have really created monsters already. Princess at the ripe age of 5 got a power wheels at the age of 1 and the presents have only gotten bigger from there. I*Pod, New D S I, you name it this kid has it. Little Miss on the other hand, doesn't request as much. She loves to go to the store and play with the toys but doesn't ask for much. We still get her what she wants but for some reason I guess she isn't as big of a diva. The biggest gift that she had asked for was a John Dee*re tractor just like her Papa's. She got that for her birthday this year. I just have so many things swirling in my head. I want a 3rd baby so bad of our own, yet wonder what life would be like. I know there is no right or wrong answer, I just wish I had a crystal ball to tell me what the future holds. We shall see I guess....

1 comment:

  1. Go with your gut. but get the feeling from your heart and always listen to what your head is saying.
    Yip. Someone else might tell you to just go for it. Not me. I now tell myself all of the time. I should have listened to my head. or. I'm so glad I went with my gut instincts. you know the lines.
    Good luck. It is a tough decision. Glad that you have the options.
