Monday, November 8, 2010


It's so weird, I am nesting big time. The only thing is I'm not pregnant! We decided to really get down and dirty and clean this house. It started on Saturday with steam cleaning the carpets in the girls room and completing it in the living room last night. Yesterday we set up the Christmas tree and decorated for the holiday season (even though it's not even Thanksgiving). I got down on my hands and knees and cleaned my hardwood floors in the dining room as well. I was up until 11 PM last night and after coming home from work today I started on our last room, my bedroom. I have a little more to go before washing the carpets in there too. Then my house will be complete for the Midwife to come here on the 29th to visit for the first time.

So now that we had our appointment, I will discuss it some here. M and I thought that having the two girls would make our family complete. Over time though she really got thinking that she really wants another baby for our family. We did a little research and came across vials of our donor. We had discussed our options and what we wanted to do for our last child. It was decided that M really wanted to have a biological child but of course she has no desire to carry. We made an appointment with our RE to discuss the process and what we are looking at for each of us, cost, and time line. It went very well, and we will be underway with our "maybe baby" in a little bit. First I will be doing another journey before this. From there we will each sync our cycles while M gets to shoot up with medication to produce multiple eggs. From there they will be placed into my womb which will hopefully be the home for 9 months to our last bundle of joy! A nice healthy singleton pregnancy :)


  1. I'm laughing....because I remember saying that. SINGLETON. ha ha
    Good luck with that.
    So exciting. I can't wait to follow along.

    Christmas tree. SERIOUSLY! You are getting to it. NICE !

  2. Can't wait for you guys to start trying :) Remember if I can help anymore please let me know!
