Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Little Miss!

I haven't had the opportunity to sit down and write up a post, but today I brought my computer to work and without the boss being here, this are allll gooodddd!

Little Miss,
3 years has gone by, and Momma with the spikes and I can't even being to believe that you are now 3. You are not a baby anymore, and any time that I refer to you as my baby you quickly respond with, "I'm a big girl!" You are though, and as much as I don't want to admit it, it's true. Some things that you have achieved:

~You are potty trained now and have been for about 3 months now. You started right after your sister's birthday. You did it all on your own without us pushing it. You are very proud of yourself when you go too. You make sure that you let us know each time you go.

~You are almost potty trained through the night as well. We definitely didn't expect that at all. For the last week you have woken up dry even though we still put a diaper on you at night.

~You talk up a storm. Your vocabulary is very good now.

~You get along nicely with all kids. You love to play outside at Grammie J's house or in our yard with the chalk with your sister.

~You love school. This past week you were sick, so we didn't send you. By Sunday you were asking when you were going back. So cute if I say so myself.

~You love Spider*Man, tractors, and anything that a boy would like. You even dressed up as Spider*Man this year for Halloween.

Momma and I are just so proud of you! Know that you are loved each and every day and that you have brought unbelievable joy into our lives!


  1. She is so gorgeous and that hair. Love it.
    Happy 3rd birthday.

  2. How adorable she is! Happy birthday!!!

  3. is her birthday the 3rd??? Sofia's is. Happy belated bithday little princess! She is beautiful!
