Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Belated Halloween!

We had a great time this year with the girls trick or treating. We went to our local mall, which has become a tradition these past couple of years since Princesses 2nd Halloween. We got the kids ready for around5:30 PM and headed out. We arrived at the mall at 6 PM just in time for the stores to start handing out the candy. We did both floors and after a bucket full a piece we had to make a couple more stops. First to Grammie J's house, then to my parents house. We didn't end up getting back home until 9:30 PM. Needless to say, I am exhausted today. M's father and wife came down today to visit with us for M's and Little Misses birthday. We had a nice time together and went out to brunch. Now I am back home doing laundry and relaxing. It's a beautiful day outside and seeing the leaves falling with the wind blowing makes me want to curl up in bed and sleep.


  1. They are so cute! I just love Little Miss's smile in that first picture. Priceless!
