Thursday, November 12, 2009


Didn't I mention in the last post that we had cleaned up the whole yard this past weekend? And didn't I say how beautiful it looked all clean and free of leaves? Well guess what, I went out the very next morning to piles of leaves. It didn't even look like we raked and did two truck loads full. I am rather disappointed. I don't know when M should attempt to pick up the rest. It seems like the leaves on the tree that is in my neighbors yard is just not shedding the leaves at all. So it might be a while before she can do it.

Other news, I didn't mention on here Little Misses weight and height from her appointment. She weighed in at 29 1/2 lbs and 34 1/2 inches. Princess wasn't 28 lbs until she was 3 and Little Miss is an 1 1/2 tall at this point than Princess. What can I say, the girl likes her food. We decided to get the H.1.N.1 vaccination for both girls while there. They did great with it, but wouldn't you know that on Wednesday Little Miss had a 102.6 temperature. M stayed home with her for the following 3 days and both girls were placed on Tami*flu. Little Miss finally broke her fever on Friday. I would guess she picked it up at the doctors office since they don't have a well room and sick room. There was 10 children waiting in the waiting room that morning and we had to wait 45 minutes to be seen. I just don't understand doctors sometimes. Why wouldn't they schedule well visits first say from 8-12 and sick visits from 12 on. It would make more sense than exposing those healthy kids to it. The doctor did the swab and it did come back as the Swin*e Flu. Thank god she got over it quick. And thank god Princess never got it since she has bad asthma. Speaking of asthma, we are going to Boston this coming up Friday to see a pulmonologist about the asthma. I am hoping to have some light shed about what we can do to help her. She starts wheezing sometimes which leads to coughing. Coughing so uncontrollable that it keeps the house up at night. I will be sure to let everyone know how it goes. Well, I must get going. I should be working but you know how that goes.

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