Friday, October 16, 2009


So, at the beginning of this week, I wrote an email to family and friends welcoming them to my new and improved blog. As you know I just turned 28 in September, and although I enjoy the computer very much, I am not much of a person to do the whole face*book, tw*itter, Farm*ville thing. I just don't have the patience for it, and even though it sounds tempting at times especially when I am sitting at the dance school waiting for Princess in class hearing all the mothers chit chat about the whole Farm*ville thing. I totally feel out of the loop. I just sit there listening contently wondering what I might be missing, but there still isn't a high hope that I will be joining it. I find just enough time these days to blog, check out my usual chat boards, maybe check out face*book and post a daily status, but I sure in hell don't have the time to sit and plant crops, adopt pink cows to get strawberry milk, and such. I really start to feel old when I don't have much in common with these parents, especially when I am probably the youngest parent there. I just find that my time these days is cramped with work, doctors appointments for either myself or the kids, or taking my dear grandmother to Boston for her doctors appointments. I just don't have time for these things. I have been thinking though, that to try and have some fun, the dance studio is offering a 5 week Z.U.M.B.A class that is once a week on Wednesdays from 7-8 PM for 30 dollars. I think I might just take the class. I figure the least that will happen is I will get in a little shape, make some new friends, and have a little ME time. I haven't really talked much with M about it, and I will have to make arrangements with the girls since that is one of her late nights at work, but I think I might be able to do a little convincing with my parents to watch the girls for an hour while I go. We shall see. Anyways, the point of this message was that I invited people to come and see my family. Share in the joys and not so joyous times with my family. I hope that they all have taken a look at this blog. If you have please, please leave a comment letting me know.

Well, I must get the girls ready for bed. It's been a long day taking my grandmother to Boston to have her knee looked at again. She had a total knee replacement in July. I hope to update again sometime this weekend. I will leave you with a few tidbits:

1. M's birthday is the same day as Little Misses. She is turning 30 this year and doesn't want anyone to really know. I might have a cake for her when we have Little Misses birthday party.

2. M got her CDL license and now can drive a big yellow school bus along with those Charter Buses.

3. My hair is naturally curly, and I really dislike it. Sometimes it isn't so bad, and when I get it cut and styled I really like it, but over time I start wearing it up in either a pony tail or bun. Hence the name "momma with the bun".

4. My kids are my world, and even though it is tough having 2 close in age, I wouldn't change a thing. I know that they fight like cats and dogs, but I also think that they truly will be best friends as they get older.

5. I am real fascinated with Little People, and would love to adopt a little person. I would still think about it, if my house was bigger.

6. I travel over 60 miles a day to get to work. I never thought I would travel that far for a job, but like where I work, so I don't mind doing it daily.

7. M and I have been together going on 13 years this December. It's incredible to think about it. We have our ups and downs like any relationship but at the end of the day we are such a strong couple.

8. I always thought that my kids would listen to me better, little did I know that they disobey me like the plague and practically listen to everything M says.

9. I hope my kids succeed in life. Princess is always telling me that she wants to be a nurse. I really hope so. I think she would make an excellent nurse.

10. Feeling Little Misses soft face makes me melt. She is just so beautiful, and I couldn't imagine life without her. All that we went through to have her was so worth it and then some.....

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