Thursday, October 8, 2009

Here I Am

I thought that in most postings I don't put a picture of myself up there for everyone to see. I really like this picture of Princess and myself so I decided to show what I look like. I don't know if I have ever really said that I am a little paranoid about posting pictures of my family. When I originally started my first blog, I was the type of blogger that posted ultrasound pictures with my full name on them, used my children's first names, and then I decided to switch to word*press for a change, thought about that it might not be the brightest idea to use our real names and such, but it wasn't until I received a bad comment from someone that I didn't really know nor had I ever had a comment from this person EVER. I became that momma bear that I'm sure everyone becomes and was super nervous at who was actually visiting my blog reading my posts or viewing my children. It took me a lot to continue writing on that blog, and I eventually took it down, or better yet, set it to private and decided not to post on it. I really lost interest, and so didn't my readers. I feel rather bad, because I haven't really told anyone including my previous readers where I went. I will at some point email everyone that was reading it and contributing to my conversation to let them know that I in fact haven't fallen off the face of the earth, but that I needed a change again. I love to document my family's progress and what is going on. If not for everyone else but for myself to look back on. For those people that do read, thanks for checking in with us, and for those that also read and don't comment please do let me know who you are. I love reading other peoples blogs and would be very interested in who you are and if you have a blog let me know what it is. I'll be sure to check in and let you know that I have stopped by.


  1. Funny I just clicked on your blog from another blog thinking it was someone elses blog and saw the picture so I decided to read on :)
    I understand the scary (who's reading my blog) stuff.
    I use first names of my children and never use mine or my partners first names.
    I try to be careful of signs in the background and so forth. but you are right. you never know.

    You have beautiful children.

  2. You look just as I pictured you! Now it is clear where the girls get their beauty!

    Is your hair naturally curly? I am totally jealous if it is. :-)
