Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Little Miss

I have been meaning to update everyone on my Little Miss. She is now 20 months old. Can you even believe that?!? She is still being seen by Early Intervention for her speech and language development, but what an improvement from where we had started. When we first had an evaluation on her she was going on 12 months, and some of her milestones were only at a 9-10 month level. I was devastated, but with the help of Miss P we are improving by leaps and bounds. She is now saying more and more each day. She can now say "up please", "down please", "more", "binkie", "mama", "papa", "no", "kitty", "meow", "please" "thank you and thanks". The list goes on and on now. I was so concerned with if she was ever going to talk that I almost got this overwhelming pit in my stomach thinking about it. Now with this improvement, I feel like we have defeated all the thoughts that I had running through my mind. In about a month, we will have that evaluation again to see if she still qualifies or not for the program. This time around I will go into it without worrying what she Can't do, but what she Can do. She is such a joy to have, and each day when I see her smiling back at me, I couldn't imagine life without her. She is the best little girl that I know. Pictures to follow soon, and also a posting on Princess. Princesses birthday is fast approaching, and I can't believe that she will be 4. Yes, you read that right, 4 YEARS OLD, where did the time go?!?!?

1 comment:

  1. Hi there!! Glad to see you back. I miss reading about you. Great news on your little one. Isn't this a fun age?!?!?
