Monday, September 14, 2009

WOW, It's Been A While

I'm so sorry that it's been a while again. It seems that the minute I want to write, things get busy and I just don't have time for it. So much has happened since I last posted. Princess turned 4 in August. I can't believe my first baby is now 4, going to preschool for her second year, and attending dance school also for her second year. We had a great party again for her with about 45 or so people that attended with about 17 kids also. We had a face painter there, games, and lots of food. The theme this year was My Litt*le Pon*y. Our Little Miss is also growing up before my eyes and I also can't believe that. We had our evaluation with Early Inter*vention with Miss P and the gang about 2 weeks ago and what can I say, Little Miss is an over achiever at this point and doesn't qualify anymore for the services. She is speaking like a little parrot, and although it isn't always crystal clear, we understand without a doubt what she is saying and so did the speech therapists that attended the evaluation. She will be turning 2 in October and that to me seems even more unimaginable since it seems like just yesterday I was gearing up to have her. We have attended my uncles wedding to his beautiful bride 2 weekends ago with Princess being the flower girl. She did great in the wedding and looked like such a grown up little girl. We danced the night away together, and had just a wonderful time as a whole family together. We even had family down from PA. We did a lot of sight seeing in Newport, R*I, with beautiful weather to go along with it. What else, oh and we have been spending money like it's water on our two cars. First my brakes in my van went, that was 350.00 in one week. The next week M's car's breaks went and then her car decided all together that it just doesn't want to idle right and stall. It has been at our mechanics for almost 2 weeks and he still can't seem to figure out exactly what the hell is the matter. He is having someone that works specifically on her type of car come to the shop tonight to see if he can figure it out. I am hopeful since the last thing I want is another car payment. I still have one on my van for the next 2 years why would I want another?!? Last but not least, Happy Birthday Dad and to myself. Tomorrow is my father's birthday and Wednesday is mine. Happy 28th Birthday to ME!!!!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you all have had an eventful few weeks!

    Happy Birthday! Oh, to be 28 again... :-)
